Sonia Criseo


Sonia Criseo

After training as a bilingual assistant, Sonia Criseo started her career at law firm Linklaters & Paines. She then joined the US firm Baker McKenzie, where she was assistant to the firm’s then Chair Christine Lagarde.

In 2005, she became Christine Lagarde’s personal assistant at the French Ministry of Foreign Trade.

In 2007, she continued to work for Christine Lagarde as her Deputy Chief of Staff at the French Ministry for the Economy, Finance and Industry, with responsibility for special affairs. In 2012, she was appointed Chief of Staff to the Chairman of Moët Hennessy.

In 2013, she joined credit insurer Euler Hermes France (which in 2022 became Allianz Trade) in the newly created post of Head of International Development. She has served as Commercial Director at Allianz Trade for Multinationals since 2017.

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