Éric Hayat


Éric Hayat

Éric Hayat has been Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sopra Steria Group since 2014. He co-founded Groupe Steria in 1969 and served as its Deputy Chief Executive Officer. He was the group’s Chairman at the time of the tie-up with Sopra in 2014.

A graduate in engineering from the École Nationale Supérieure de l’Aéronautique, Mr Hayat is a seasoned professional in the digital world. He contributed to the expansion of Groupe Steria both internationally and in a wide range of vertical markets, notably in the public sector. In 2014, Groupe Steria generated three quarters of its revenue outside France.

Alongside his professional career, Éric Hayat is recognised for his commitment to representing the digital sector. As Chairman of the Syntec Informatique employers’ organisation from 1991 to 1997 and of Fédération Syntec from 1997 to 2003, he led key projects such as the implementation of the collective bargaining agreement and the 35-hour working week.

As a member of the Executive Committee of MEDEF from 1997 to 2005, Éric Hayat chaired the committee tasked with negotiating the R&D tax credit.

He has served as Chairman of the French public interest group for the “Modernisation of Payroll Reporting” since 2000. In this capacity, he brings together public sector bodies, collective pension organisations, chartered accountants and software vendors to boost the digital transformation of social protection. As an example, the group contributed to the success of France’s new pay-as-you-earn tax system. Through his close working relationships with a wide range of stakeholders, Éric Hayat is a Vice-Chairman particularly focused on current far-reaching changes affecting society.

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