Sopra Steria joins the Google Cloud Partner Program

Paris, | minute read
Accelerating Innovation for large companies in Europe
Google Cloud Platform supports transformation projects that require robust infrastructures and powerful calculations in real time.
Sopra Steria is leading innovative digital transformation projects for the largest accounts on the market. Google Cloud and Sopra Steria will share their visions of current and future transformations and will identify strategic projects on which they can collaborate.
Under the terms of this collaboration, Sopra Steria has committed to training and certifying its experts with Google Cloud Platform certification Program. It has also agreed to provide its expertise in terms of knowledge of the customer base, supported by the geographic network of its teams both in France and across Europe.
For its part, Google will give Sopra Steria access to its innovative and differentiating solutions for developing projects, as well as its support and expertise to help them succeed. 
“This relationship with Google Cloud will help Sopra Steria reinforce its large innovation projects for its customers. With its GCP platform, Google Cloud is providing an additional attraction to the Sopra Steria Cloud thanks to its advanced R&D approach. By joining the partner program, our Group provides its detailed knowledge of the customer base thanks to our geographical ties across Europe”, explains Mohammed Sijelmassi, the CTO of Sopra Steria.

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Aurélien Flaugnatti
Aurélien Flaugnatti
Content & PR manager, Sopra Steria