Sopra Steria commits to cybersecurity certification for Cloud services in support of digital sovereignty

Paris, | minute read

Paris, 10 january 2025 - Sopra Steria, a major player in European technology, is joining forces with more than 50 large companies and 45,000 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Europe to send a joint letter to the European authorities calling for the inclusion of High+ criteria in the European Cybersecurity Certification Scheme for Cloud Services (EUCS).

The EUCS aims to introduce voluntary certification to assess the cybersecurity of cloud service providers on a European scale. The framework aims to harmonise and strengthen cloud security and data protection requirements across all Member States, while reinforcing the single market.

« The cloud is essential to the digital transformation of European businesses and to their competitiveness. It is therefore crucial that European users benefit from guarantees concerning the protection of data, including the most sensitive data. To support this development, the discussions on the EUCS must include reinforced security criteria, in particular the High+ criteria, in order to guarantee an optimum level of protection and to support the EU's commitment to digital sovereignty,» says Eve Gani, Director of Institutional Relations within the Defence and Security Vertical at Sopra Steria.

The inclusion of High+ criteria offers a number of strategic advantages for users:

  • Protection of sensitive data: Ensuring adequate protection of data against non-European extraterritorial laws.
  • Freedom of choice: Enabling European users who consider it appropriate to be able to choose cloud services with a higher level of security to protect their most sensitive data.
  • Digital transformation: Facilitating the adoption of the cloud and artificial intelligence in Europe, particularly for SMEs.
  • Harmonisation of standards: Avoid fragmentation of the single European market by harmonising security standards.

Sopra Steria's commitment to digital sovereignty is reflected in its comprehensive approach to the cloud, designed to help companies optimise their infrastructures, whether private, public, hybrid or sovereign. It offers flexible services designed to meet the specific needs of each company at all stages of its maturity, providing tailored solutions to modernise existing systems, strengthen security and optimise costs. Sopra Steria offers managed services on state-of-the-art platforms, while supporting its customers in the strategy, design, migration and optimisation of the public cloud.




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Aurélien Flaugnatti
Aurélien Flaugnatti
Content & PR manager, Sopra Steria