Sopra Banking Software digitalises lending applications at CASDEN Banque Populaire

Paris, | minute read

A longstanding partnership

 For ten years, Sopra Banking Software has been supporting CASDEN Banque Populaire with its full expertise as part of the bank’s service digitalisation programme. The partnership has been recently renewed with a view to marketing mortgage loans via digital channels. This programme covers both digital and analytics, and Sopra Banking Software has orchestrated a project with two key streams: financing plans simulation and loan applications. 

Take out a loan without going to the bank

As customer experience digitalisation gains momentum loan applications are no exception to the rule. What’s more, since January 2016, CASDEN Banque Populaire has given its customers the option of taking out a consumer loan on line, thanks to a solution developed by Sopra Banking Software. The solution integrates electronic signature and supporting document uploads, and it means an application can be fully completed online. Today, over 25% of consumers loans are processed via this channel. In October 2017, CASDEN Banque Populaire expanded its offer to encompass online mortgage loans, launching a simulation service: this is the first step in a fully digital experience which should be completed in 2018, with the possibility of taking out a mortgage loan.

Digitalisation as a modernity and productivity driver

With this project, CASDEN Banque Populaire is nurturing big ambitions. First goal: convey an image that is in keeping with the times by focusing on an increasingly digitalised offer. The solution rolled out by Sopra Banking Software enables CASDEN Banque Populaire to offer an enhanced multichannel experience - guaranteed satisfaction for its customers!
According to Laurent Burguiere, Head of Banking and IT resources at CASDEN Banque Populaire, ‘Sopra Banking Software is a partner we have been working with for a long time. They know how to support us with their expertise and innovation capacities. Digitalising the customer experience is a front-line topic on our market and this new platform enables us to stay ahead. It’s also a way of imagining the bank of the future.’
Joel Saad, Managing Director Sopra Banking Software France and BeLux, was pleased to say ‘We are extremely enthusiastic about supporting a major player on the French Financial landscape like CASDEN Banque Populaire. What’s more, this project is particularly rewarding because we need to combine digital and analytics by drawing on our dual banking and IT expertise.’

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Sopra Banking Software digitalises lending applications at CASDEN Banque Populaire


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Aurélien Flaugnatti
Aurélien Flaugnatti
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