FDIS Pinnacle Contact Centre

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Sopra Steria aims to Mobilise, Migrate & Modernise FDIS Pinnacle through Amazon Connect.

In 2021/22, Sopra Steria underwent a project to migrate FDIS-Pinnacle from Avaya to Amazon Connect.

They were looking for a Cloud-based contact centre solution to modernise and ensure future enhancements to improve efficiencies and their customer journey.


  • Modern, capable of supporting AI, NLP and voice recognition
  • Meets client, customer, and contract expectations
  • Highly customisable deployment
  • Costs based on usage, rather than annual renewals
  • Greatly improved contact analytics including:
  • End to end customer and process journey understanding
  • Voice analytics opportunity
  • Real time trend and customer behaviour analysis
  • Ability to report per contract requirements across all contact channels and service requests
  • Foundation for end-to-end automation of customer requests
  • Improved customer experience
  • Provides an Omnichannel solution, bringing together voice, email, chat, chat bots, social media and service requests into a single view of a customer, inside of a Pinnacle/SSCL Service + agent desktop
  • Tight integration across all channels, ensuring end users can ask once and receive consistent responses, regardless of channel or context



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