Arkema rocks its unified end-to-end Business Processes Data into the Cloud

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Arkema is a world player in specialty materials serving customers in general industries, paints and coatings, building and construction, and consumer goods all around the globe. To boost its product innovation and customer programs, Arkema decided to reshape the management of its data challenged by numerous systems. This transformational data project allows to unify data from its CRM, SRM and ERP systems into a Master Data Management (MDM) platform. Arkema selected Sopra Steria to advise, design and build its MDM Platform in the Cloud.

Up-to-date, auditable, and real-time data at the heart of innovative materials

With 21,100 employees, Arkema designs materials to address the ever-growing demand for innovative and sustainable materials, driven by the challenges of new energies, new technologies, the depletion of resources, mobility, and increasing urbanization. With a global presence in 55 countries, with 144 sites, its business development relies on strong R&D capabilities, a global manufacturing footprint, and ambitious bolt-on acquisitions. From an IT perspective, data is at the heart of its core business process. But its existing systems were showing several limits (silo, trust,) due to successive spin-off, acquisition. Owning a large part of data, Arkema Supply Chain Teams decided to rejuvenate its management with the clear objective to make data available, up-to-date, reliable, auditable, and shareable in real time between systems and partners. Arkema then selected a new Data Master Management (MDM) platform, Tibco EBX and AWS Cloud. To drive this transformational data program, Arkema Teams chose Sopra Steria to advise, design and build its MDM platform in AWS.

A new unified Data Platform for enhancing business decision makers, improved business processes and simplifying acquisition

Data from products, customers and suppliers have first been selected to create this new data platform with the objective to unify the management of data consumed by all business entities. Further to the selection of TIBCO EBX and AWS to enable this platform, Arkema teams worked with Sopra Steria Digital and Cloud Center of Excellence Teams to build the platform and drive associated data governance changes:

  • Advice and guidance in centralised data governance transformation, orchestrating data product managers across all Arkema’s expertise,
  • Data Models definition on the Products, Customers, and Suppliers areas,
  • Integration of inter-mediation tools in the IT system: ESB, MOM, API,
  • Setting up of landing zones in AWS, leveraging AWS reliable, scalable, and secure storage,
  • Project management to enable agile collaboration between stakeholders, businesses, and technological partners.

Data from its CRM salesforce, its SAP SRM and ERP with both other internal and external systems, helping to streamline business processes and breaking silos. The platform is powered by AWS, ensuring agility, reliability, scalability and high-performance thanks to a broad portfolio of functions, storage and security solutions. From an architecture perspective, Well-architected Framework Review (WAFR) principles guided the design and implementation of the platform.

Arkema MDM Platform pioneers its data-driven strategy, allowing its business teams from all continents to gain in agility, in accuracy, and in compliance and to better understand consumer behaviours and to adapt its business processes.

Our business on specialty materials relies on millions of data, from hundreds of IT systems and ecosystem. Enabling this data control tower empowers all business units with up-to-date, reliable, auditable data, shared in real time. This data platform is instrumental in creating innovative and sustainable materials, in better serving our customers and more effectively collaborating with our partners while warming future AI-powered activities 
said Jean-Marc Viallate, Group Supply Chain VP, at Arkema.


For the Supply Chain and IT Teams

For Business Teams

  • Data centralization of its various IT systems, in all geographical and functional areas related.
  • Improvement of its data quality, uniqueness, and completeness of the information.
  • High scalability, high-performance storage, and global coverage, compliant with Arkema’s regulations.
  • Enhancement of the control of its financial exposure
  • Improvement of the global management of its customers and suppliers’ relationship, including more efficient marketing campaign
  • Homogenisation of the business processes



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