AIFE - (Agency for State Financial Information Technology) Chorus

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Chorus: deployment in the French Ministries of National Education, Higher Education, and Research.

A contract between €6 and €10 million for the operational assistance for the deployment, training and start-up assistance. More than 3,000 users are involved.

Background & Challenges

Chorus is the new information system for the management of the French State’s financial system. This system requires modernisation.

Accompanying the implementation of the LOLF (Organic Law on the Finance Laws of 1 August 2001), this major programme of the Ministry of Finance forms part of a determined effort to improve the performance and transparency of public governance.

It constitutes a key step in the general overhaul of public policies and represents a powerful lever for the rationalisation of processes and the pooling of resources.

Sopra Steria tasks

After having made a commitment at the highest possible level and mobilised its best experts for the successful design and implementation of an exchange system between Chorus and the various Ministries, Sopra Steria has been chosen at the beginning of 2009 to carry out a new mission in the State finance modernisation programme (the Chorus programme) in partnership with BearingPoint.

The mission concerns the global deployment of Chorus in the Ministries of National Education, Higher Education, and Research. It consists of operational assistance for deployment (batch 2), training, and start-up assistance (batch 4). It involves all the districts of continental France as well as the French overseas departments and communities, consisting of more than 3,000 users.

These two batches, come to a total of between €6 and €10 million and will cover a period of 18 months.

Sopra Steria is teaming up with the Agency for State Financial Information Technology (AIFE) in order to ensure this new operation exemplifies best practice in the field of managing administration transformation projects.

Sopra Steria is teaming up with the Agency for State Financial Information Technology (AIFE) in order to ensure this new operation exemplifies best practice in thefield of managing administration transformation projects. This new mission will provide Sopra Steria with an opportunity to confirm its expertise in major public-sector modernisation projects and its deep sense of commitment.

Customer Benefits

Chorus manages State non-fiscal income, payments and accounts in accordance with the requirements of the LOLF.

Chorus interfaces to more than 200 ministerial and inter-ministerial accounting and financial applications. It will be gradually deployed in all central and local State Administrations from 2009. The management of the Chorus project was entrusted to the AIFE (Agency for State Financial Information Technology) which fulfils its responsibilities in close collaboration with the Ministries and other stakeholders concerned.