At its meeting on 26 May 2021, Sopra Steria Group’s Board of Directors made use of the authorisation given by Resolution 23 adopted at the Combined General Meeting of 12 June 2018 and decided to set up a long-term incentive (LTI) plan for the Group’s senior managers, covering a total of 219,200 rights to performance shares, and to grant 3,000 rights to shares under this plan to Vincent Paris, Chief Executive Officer.
Rights to shares are subject to a condition of continued employment and strict performance conditions, as well as a grant condition related to the target of increasing the proportion of women in senior management positions set by the Board of Directors.
The condition of continued employment will be verified at 30 June 2024. For all recipients, including the Chief Executive Officer, the Board of Directors retains the right to waive the condition of continued employment, in whole or in part, in derogation of the foregoing and on an entirely exceptional basis, depending on the circumstances (in particular the reason and arrangements for the recipient’s departure, the date of departure with respect to the term of the plan and the expected benefit of the Company granting the exception).
Achievement of performance conditions and the additional grant condition will be measured by calculating the average of the following: