How AI democratises customer support

by Paul Verhaar - Practice Lead Data Science & AI at Sopra Steria Netherlands
| minute read

AI is transforming customer support, enabling SMEs to deliver personalised, high-quality service previously reserved for large corporations, and enhancing support across all business sizes, writes Paul Verhaar, Practice Lead Data Science & AI at Sopra Steria Netherlands.

In today's competitive market, the battle for customer loyalty is fierce.

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs  ) often find themselves at a disadvantage, unable to match the customer support quality that larger corporations can afford.

However, recent advancements in AI-powered tools, particularly large language models (LLMs), are reshaping the customer service landscape.

These technologies are not just bridging the gap; they are levelling the playing field, enabling SMEs to offer the same high-quality, personalised support that their larger counterparts do. The result? A more competitive market where quality service is within everyone's reach.

This is one point I will be discussing at next month’s World Summit AI 2024 in Amsterdam, where I have been asked to give a keynote address and will be talking about how AI-enhanced knowledge access is dramatically transforming business operations.

The intersection of AI and customer service is where the magic happens. LLMs, with their vast understanding of language and context, empower customer service representatives to provide more personalised and effective responses, often based on individuals’ unique data. 

Gone are the days of generic, one-size-fits-all replies. Now, when a customer contacts support, they can receive tailored answers that address their specific needs  .

This is made possible through Advanced Search capabilities, where AI tools access and analyse personalised customer data  , helping support staff offer solutions that are finely tuned to the individual's circumstances.

AI scaling personalisation

But what makes this Advanced Search so effective? At its core is semantic search, a technology that goes beyond simple keyword matching.

Semantic search allows the AI to understand the intent and contextual meaning behind a user's query. Unlike traditional search engines, which rely heavily on exact keyword matches to deliver results, semantic search interprets the relationships between words and phrases to grasp the broader concept being conveyed.

This allows the system to deliver more accurate and relevant results even if the exact keywords are not present in the content.

The key to semantic search lies in its ability to analyse not just the words in a query, but also the context in which those words are used by leveraging Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques to create connections between different concepts and entities within a large dataset.

By doing so, semantic search can recognise synonyms, understand natural language questions, and identify the relevance of content based on the overall meaning rather than mere keyword presence.

This capability enables customer service agents to access a broader and more accurate selection of information when crafting responses. The result is a more nuanced, context-aware interaction that leaves customers feeling understood and valued.

AI-powered conversational agents are not just improving the quality of customer interactions; they are making personalisation scalable.

For SMEs, this is a game-changer. Historically, providing personalised customer support at scale was a luxury only large corporations could afford, thanks to their vast resources.

However, with AI-driven tools, even smaller businesses can now deliver quick, accurate, relevant, and personalised responses without compromising on quality. This   not only enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty but also helps reduce churn, all while keeping costs in check.

For SMEs and large corporations

And the benefits are not only for SMEs. For large corporations, whose business units and divisions are often similar in size to SMEs and operate relatively independently, AI provides a gateway to offering internal and external service users top quality support at relatively low cost.

The ability to scale personalisation is becoming a key differentiator in the market. Companies that embrace AI technology in their customer support strategies can set themselves apart by offering a level of service that is both efficient and deeply personal.

This competitive edge is no longer exclusive to the big players. SMEs can now compete on an even footing, attracting and retaining customers through exceptional service.

Moreover, AI is not just a tool for improving customer interactions; it is also a powerful ally for support staff. By integrating LLMs into their workflows, customer service representatives can handle a broader range of queries with greater confidence and accuracy.

AI tools assist agents by suggesting the most suitable solutions based on the context of the conversation and the customer's history. This not only improves the speed and quality of responses but also shortens onboarding times for new staff. 

Experienced agents, freed from the need to constantly hunt for information, can focus on sharing their knowledge with newcomers, further enhancing the team's overall capability.

The AI Act and regulation

The richness of options available through AI-driven systems is another significant benefit. These systems can analyse vast amounts of data to offer more diverse and personalised product or service recommendations.

For customers, this means receiving suggestions that are closely aligned with their preferences and needs, leading to a more satisfying and engaging experience.

However, the integration of AI in customer support is not without its challenges.

As companies increasingly rely on AI to drive their interactions, they must also navigate concerns around data privacy and ethical use.

The recent AI Act in the European Union sets a global benchmark for responsible AI deployment, obliging companies to adhere to best practices. Compliance with these regulations is crucial for maintaining customer trust and ensuring that AI's benefits are realised without compromising ethical standards.

Benefits for companies and customers

Transparency in AI decisions is key, and companies must be diligent in communicating how AI tools are used and how decisions are made.

AI-powered conversational agents represent a significant evolution in customer support. By harnessing the power of LLMs, companies of all sizes can offer more personalised, efficient, and satisfying experiences to their customers.

With careful and responsible implementation, this technology has the potential to revolutionise the way businesses interact with their customers, making high-quality support accessible to all.

As the playing field levels, the true winners will be the customers, who can look forward to a new era of service excellence.








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