Sopra Steria Italy obtains the "Great Place to Work" certification

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Sopra Steria, European leader in digital consulting and software development for the public and private sectors, has obtained for the first time the "Great Place to Work®" certification, the recognition assigned by the Great Place to Work® Institute which certifies the quality working environment.

Great satisfaction was expressed by Sopra Steria for having reached this milestone in the first application, thanks to the results of a series of employee interviews conducted in 2019 and aimed at detecting the degree of well-being and satisfaction with the work context.

"Great Place to Work®" responds to one of Sopra Steria's key objectives, namely to enhance human capital, and is part of a broader cultural transformation program, which began at the end of 2018: NewWay , a project of the Group that aims to constantly improve the working climate by aiming for excellence as a standard and an increasingly active participation of people. 


 “This is a first important recognition that we hope, and we believe, will be renewed every year bringing us among the rankings of the Best Workplaces”, the best jobs in Italy, in Europe and in the world. We are not at the goal, there is a need for continuous commitment, but we are sure that we are on the right path and, thanks to the proactive approach of all of us, to the constant growth of each one, to the continuous innovation and the search for quality in everything that we do, from a responsible and ethical point of view, together we will be able to build an increasingly positive working environment ".

Alessia Ventrella,

HR Director, Sopra Steria Italy


From the questionnaires and thematic workshops attended by the employees, it emerges that Sopra Steria is an open and inclusive workplace, with an organizational culture based on shared values, flexible hours and a widespread sense of belonging . Specifically, the parameters that contributed to the achievement of the recognition are: management's deep trust in people, a sense of shared pride, an environment where one always feels welcome and knows no discrimination.
